Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Historic Preservation Needs Your Help

ACT NOW to restore funding for historic preservation programs!

Earlier this month, the FY 2011 budget request was released that would eliminate funding for Save America's Treasures (SAT) and Preserve America (PA), and cut funding for National Heritage Areas by 50 percent. These critical historic preservation programs matter now more than ever - not only because they protect our national heritage but because they are economic development engines and create jobs in the thousands of communities they serve! Save America's Treasures alone has generated more than 16,000 jobs since it was created 10 years ago.

We need you to ACT NOW!

Use the format below to send a message to your representative in Congress asking him to restore funding for Save America's Treasures and Preserve America, and maintain funding for National Heritage Areas and other preservation programs as the House and Senate work on their respective budget bills. It is especially important for those who live in the 6th District to make a direct appeal to Representative Ben Chandler, who is a member of the House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee and has long been a supporter of historic preservation in Kentucky.

We need to make it clear these programs have been highly effective and should be continued!

Simply cut and paste the following message, email it to your Representative, and also send a copy Senators Bunning and McConnell using the links below:

1st District - Rep. Ed Whitfield

2nd District - Rep. Brett Guthrie

3rd District - Rep. John Yarmuth

4th District - Rep. Geoff Davis

5th District - Rep. Hal Rogers

6th District - Rep. Ben Chandler, Member, House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee

Senator Jim Bunning

Senator Mitch McConnell

[NOTE: The website Govtrack recommends personalizing your message when possible. Visit their website for a list of tips for contacting your representatives in Congress.]

Dear ______________ ,

I am asking for your help to restore funding for the Save America's Treasures (SAT) and Preserve America (PA) programs, which are proposed for elimination in the FY2011 Budget Request, as well as to maintain current funding for National Heritage Areas, whose budget has been proposed cut by half.

- SAT is the nation's only bricks and mortar grant program and is one of the federal government's most successful tools for preserving the places that tell America's story. Since 1998, SAT has designated 1,600 official projects, awarded more than $300 million in grants, and through the 50/50 required match, generated an additional $377 million of investment. Clearly the program has successfully leveraged public funds in partnership with private dollars from corporations, foundations and individuals.

- Preservation projects generate economic development and create jobs. For example, Kentucky has received $6.2 million in SAT funds for 24 projects, generating an additional $7.8 million in matching funds and a total investment of $14 million. Of these, it has been quantified that 17 projects created 171 jobs for a total investment of $21,536 per job, compared with statistics showing that jobs generated in Kentucky through federal stimulus funds have averaged $233,839 per job created.

- Preserve America complements Save America's Treasures by helping local communities develop sustainable management strategies and sound business practices for the continued preservation and use of heritage resources. Kentucky leads the nation in Preserve America designations with 73 communities, neighborhoods and historic districts. Since 2006, 10 Kentucky Preserve America projects have received $705,350 in grants that require a dollar-for-dollar match.

- Kentucky has been successful in Preserve America because of the network provided through the Kentucky Main Street Program, administered by the Kentucky Heritage Council, which for 31 years has promoted economic investment in Kentucky communities. Since 1979, this program has contributed more than $3.5 billion to the state's economy through public-private partnerships, and this network is poised to help Kentucky continue to effectively administer SAT and PA projects.

At a time when jobs creation and supporting sustainable communities are top priorities for Congress and the Administration, it is tragically shortsighted to overlook - or even cripple - the power and potential of historic preservation programs such as Save America's Treasures and Preserve America. As you move forward in developing your spending bills for FY2011, please do what you can to restore funding for these critical programs to their FY 2010 levels and maintain funding for National Heritage Areas, and encourage members of the House and Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittees to support you in these efforts as well.

Thank you!

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