Saturday, May 1, 2010

Just a Hint: Pogue House

Pogue House:

I had the privilege to have a brief tour of this house last week. The Pogue House which is featured on the tour is a massive work in progress. To the scholar and historian this unassuming house literally vibrates with history. To think that Ann Pogue climbed these stairs and swept these floors makes me ponder the settling of this state.

Mr. Richard Parson's was at first wary about having people to see this structure. He was worried that people would judge it harshly due to its condition. The house retains many details of its earliest fabric. Through its history its had a succession of poorly built and maintained additions. Mr. Parson's plans on removing these in the near future keeping only the 19th century elements. I told him that the people coming on this tour would expect to see the "bones" of this dwelling and would be excited over seeing it. I've included photos of the original garret stairwell, one of the earliest mantels and built-ins and a great shot of the logs supporting the flooring. Though at this stage this house is not a showcase it holds a history that until this date has never been uncovered. Rykon will serve as a wonderland of luxury for those seeking such interests.

This is only a hint of what this house holds.

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