Friday, September 3, 2010

Dry Branch School - 1938

The photo above is of a second grade class at Dry Branch School in 1938 and was submitted to Mercer's Magazine by James Wheeler.

Students include, front row, left to right, are:
? Beker Doris Traynor Carey, Morris Traynor, Margaret Henderson (deceased), Ralph Ross (deceased), unknown.

Second row, l-r: Margaret Baker Curtsinger, Sara Ross Black, James Wheeler, Beatrice Curtsinger, Morris Baker, and Lowell homas Walters.

Third row, l-r: Alic Traynor, unknown, Bob Baker, William Curtsinger, Cleo Baker (deceases)

Fourth row: l-r, Dorothy Curtsinger, ? Baker, unknown and Vernice Ross. In the back center is the teacher, Dorothy Noel.

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